PASS Program

Providing Academic Student Support

Identifying Students for PASS

How does the PASS Program work?

YA Chosen Generation believes the key to a child’s academic success is to maintain a continuous open communication with the student, their teacher, their parents, and their group leaders. Therefore, with the support from the school district teachers, parents and our staff, we can “make dreams come true” on behalf of the youth we serve in our community.

“PASS” Methodology Intervention

Phase 1: Pre-placement includes the after school homework activities prior to “PASS” placement (e.g., YACG staff ensure that a less intensive and/or restricted “PASS” intervention is monitored).

Phase 2: Orientation focusing on instruction. At this phase, YACG staff begin to teach “PASS” classroom expectations, monitor and reinforce positive behavior and homework discipline strategies completing a homework assignment. YACG staff identifies youth’s academic work strengths and weaknesses, including but not limited to social skills and behavior. Phase 2 is brief and helps to identify each youth’s needs (e.g., academic needs and behavioral needs).

Phase 3: Inclusion and Maintenance move the youth from the “PASS” classroom into a more specific resource setting. YACG staff monitor the youth on a schedule designed to meet the youth’s needs (e.g., reinforcement of positive behavior is a key component of this phase).

Phase 4: Aftercare encourages students to move on to self-monitoring. Youth who have successfully participated in “PASS,” and become independent and responsible for completing “PASS” expectations, are encouraged to be mentors and role models to other youth.

“PASS” programming combines the above four (4) phases to assist the youth in the development of self-management skills, responsibility and independence. It also targets intensive social skills instruction with behavior monitoring and coaching support for the youth and the teacher.

YA Chosen Generation Offers STEM/STEAM Education For All Ages

kindergarten through Second graders being amused themselves with the STEM/STEAM project

children’s using their own talents, creativity and imagination experiencing the changes of colors, and shapes.

YACG educational approach to STEM/STEAM is a well structure educational methodology that will promote access to all type of youth, including but not limited to under-represented diverse population of youth to use their own creativity while learning.  As STEM focuses primarily on scientific concepts, STEAM encourages the creative process to learning within an art-based, perceptual & visual learning. Through YACG implementation of both methodological approach, our staff facilitate youth to engage creatively with the concepts making new and exciting connections and think critically, problem solve between the ideas & drive these ideas towards creating something new. YALC implement goals and objectives to evaluate results on youth learning and progress. Parent’s connection meeting  are established to strengthen parent’s participation on their youth educational needs and accomplishment.


In education, the acronym STEM stands for the disciplines of science, technology, and engineering and mathematics.


STEAM adds creativity, imagination which add art to the mix. STEAM makes connections between concepts and solving problems in new and exciting ways through language, design and visual-arts. 


STEAM makes connections between concepts and solving problems in new and exciting ways through language, design and visual-arts. 

YACG invest all efforts to adapt a high-quality  education for your child through an innovative learning STEM/STEAM hands-on-project.
Invest in virtual learning for your child
(Tuesdays, Wednesday, and Thursdays – 3 hours daily)
 STEM/STEAM Education for all ages
Contact Us for Scholarships/Financial Assistance

Dear Parents, 

YACG educational mission, goals and objectives is to maintain a safe and conducive environment for all types of youth regardless of race, ethnicity, religious and creed. Our before/after school and summer camp program is offered from kindergarten through eighth grade. YALC’s overall goal is to promote youth’s growth of a healthy physical, social, emotional and cognitive development. YACG offer youth various growth enhancing opportunities that promote academic, personal social and recreational development, including to promoting cultural competence, behavior attitudes, and practices, which enable youth to interact effectively across racial/ethnic and cultural lines.

YACG provides an education filled with an innovative learning strategies, including math, science, history, social studies, sports, arts/crafts, performing arts and much more. Our program gets kids excited about learning and applying school knowledge, which keeps them coming back. YALC puts time and energy into finding youth-friendly curricula, lesson, activities, experiments, & projects that can be of youth interest. Educational Community Impact: Our open houses & regular newsletters, parent nights, & parent meetings make parents feel involved in an organization-not just receiving a service for the youth.

YACG administrator and staff maintain a professional supportive and friendly environment to parents, community partners and people in general. Thus, YACG direct impact the community, as YACG invest all efforts to adapt a high-quality innovative learning strategies that involve different methodological implementation of STEM/STEAM concepts, and the utilization of PASS program and Project-Based Learning. The mentioned educational learning strategies are designed to support and enhance quality education to youth. The concept of STEM represents a learning on science, math, technology, and engineering.

While STEAM makes connections between concepts and solving problems in new and exciting ways through language, design and visual-arts. Therefore, at YACG youth work collaboratively to create a visually appealing product that is based in the understanding of a STEM concept and combined science and art to make discoveries of an assigned project. STEM/STEAM implementation promote youth access to develop educational pathways for emerging youth talents and will inspire youth to think outside of the scientific box being creative to a satisfaction of project completion.

Call Us for more detail information for your child enrollment at (267)978-6689 Mrs. Gloria O’Keefe

Second and third graders having Fun with an engineering project – building a house living space and furniture. Click here to add your own text


YALC staff encourage youth for independent thinking; promote interdisciplinary approach; facilitate Project-based learning; assist youth within a creative problem-solving skills; engage youth with real-world applications; encourage more female students to appreciate STEM careers opportunities; promoting youth emotional, mental and physical well-being is our commitment as educators. YACG long term educational success is to inspire and equip the next generation of leaders and entrepreneurs and seeing them claiming the ladder of education success in their future endeavors.

Project-based learning


It is a central component of STEAM education and a hands-on, project-based learning. Children work on project’s specific to what issues appeal to them. They are encouraged to decide on a goal and choose which skills they want to explore to achieve it, allowing them to discover and experiment with various methods. The addition of an artistic component makes complex topics, such as math and programming more approachable and less mentally intimidating. On the other hand, traditional STEM projects, the emphasis isn’t on obtaining or analyzing facts or data. Projects are evaluated against a subjective criteria that values creativity, rather than whether the student has concluded a right or wrong answer. This method supports the child’s educational journey and promotes creative expression.


YALC staff encourage youth for independent thinking; promote interdisciplinary approach; facilitate Project-based learning; assist youth within a creative problem-solving skills; engage youth with real-world applications; encourage more female students to appreciate STEM careers opportunities; promoting youth emotional, mental and physical well-being is our commitment as educators. YACG long term educational success is to inspire and equip the next generation of leaders and entrepreneurs and seeing them claiming the ladder of education success in their future endeavors.

PASS in action:

  • Observation
  • Communication
  • SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Tangible) Goals
  • Homework Assistance & Guidance
  • Play to Learn
  • Tutoring
  • Test Preparation and Strategies
  • Project Based Learning


The program offers a positive approach, not only to the youth’s academic success, but also to support, inspire and encourage the youth to find his/her own hiding potentials, such as artistic talents.

What does “PASS” bring to the table? The “PASS” methodology is to manage the youth’s behavior and help identify youth-at-risk behavior. “PASS” incorporates a non-levels-based, individualized approach that provides explicit teaching of behavioral expectations in mainstream settings. In turn, “PASS” uses a “Functional Behavior” methodology with daily and weekly behavioral analysis to guide intervention. Depending on the youth’s academic and behavioral needs, the approach of “PASS” methodology implements the following four interventions:

“PASS” Methodology Intervention

Phase 1: Pre-placement includes the after school homework activities prior to “PASS” placement (e.g., YACG staff ensure that a less intensive and/or restricted “PASS” intervention is monitored).

Phase 2: Orientation focusing on instruction. At this phase, YACG staff begin to teach “PASS” classroom expectations, monitor and reinforce positive behavior and homework discipline strategies completing a homework assignment. YACG staff identifies youth’s academic work strengths and weaknesses, including but not limited to social skills and behavior. Phase 2 is brief and helps to identify each youth’s needs (e.g., academic needs and behavioral needs).

Phase 3: Inclusion and Maintenance move the youth from the “PASS” classroom into a more specific resource setting. YACG staff monitor the youth on a schedule designed to meet the youth’s needs (e.g., reinforcement of positive behavior is a key component of this phase).

Phase 4: Aftercare encourages students to move on to self-monitoring. Youth who have successfully participated in “PASS,” and become independent and responsible for completing “PASS” expectations, are encouraged to be mentors and role models to other youth.

“PASS” programming combines the above four (4) phases to assist the youth in the development of self-management skills, responsibility and independence. It also targets intensive social skills instruction with behavior monitoring and coaching support for the youth and the teacher.

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