Mentoring Program


Is the foundation of a child’s healthy development. We believe each child is fundamentally worthy as a person.


Is the confidence and assertiveness in the child’s innermost self. At YACG, teachers are the catalyst in helping a child see his/her own gifts and talents. It is a “MUST” for a child to possess confidence in order to succeed in life.

At YACG, we build up a child’s confidence.

Learning Objectives

  • arts & crafts
  • musical/dance
  • skits & performances
  • indoor/outdoor games
  • science activities
  • dramatic play
  • conflict resoulution/group discussions
  • health/nutrition education

Our Mission

To inspire children to thrive.

PASS Program

The PASS program provides extra support for those students who are still struggling to get on or maintain grade level.

Before & After School

General information about our Before & After School Programs.

Contact Us

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Answers to frequently asked questions.

Educating Future Leaders

Mentoring Program